Contact Me

I offer my profile writing expertise to editorial clients across the United States.

Please email* me about your project or assignment and I'll be happy to set up a time for a brief discussion about your needs.

Since I don't work with every potential client that requests my solutions, please be aware I reserve the right to refuse any offer of work.


(*Notes: I work only with magazine editors with verifiable email addresses. I do not accept pitches from individuals, their organizations or PR agencies. Since I won't profile everyone or write for every publication, I reserve the right to refuse any pitch idea or assignment without explanation. I accept commissions that are paying market rate for a journalist of my caliber only. I do all work under agreement between the client publication and my corporation, Thrive Media Collaborative, Inc. This email is for potential editorial client use only. Please do not use this email address to send media pitches about other stories or to sell services to Changemaker Narratives.)