
I'm an award-winning journalist who's been telling stories as long as I could speak. I was a college newspaper reporter at Wellesley, where I got my bachelor’s degree in political science with a minor in economics. Shortly after graduation, I became a professional journalist, so I could share others’ narratives regularly. 

Since early in my career, I've told the stories of recognized scholars, political figures, and business people, which led to an award from my professional peers for my narrative writing expertise. In recent years, I've written changemaker profiles of senior executives for multinational corporate blogs, trade publications, and industry blogs

I continue to tell the stories that matter most to your readers, but may not get heard unless your mainstream media outlet or specialty publication shares them with readers. 

These profiles offer a distinctive perspective on leadership and impact from people your readers connect to and care about based on shared experience. My profiles serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement to your readers. They show how the transformative experiences of the people profiled can lead to remarkable contributions to society.

These narratives invite your readers to see the world through the eyes of changemakers who they share an affinity with, gaining insights into the diverse and dynamic ways people of under-recognized backgrounds drive change. The stories celebrate individual achievements and foster a deeper understanding of the collective power of inclusive change. They advance the thought leadership of the authoritative figures they're about, too.

If you want a story of a changemaker you know told in your highly respected mainstream media outlet, contact me about collaborating on that story. Please reach out, too, if you're an editor of of an alumni magazine or other specialty media publication who wants to me to do interviews of respected but under-recognized changemakers in your midst.

*Assigning editors of mainstream media outlets or recognized specialty publications only, please. See other notes about Changemaker Narratives services here.